For all intensive purposes this is a blog not only about art but more importantly life. In the past week my friends and I had to deal with a crushing blow. Two of our own tragically passed away on Sunday following a single car accident near Naples. Everyone is hurting and it is apparent, now more then ever, that we need to look past our differences and come together as a united group. We must move forward but not forget. We must mourn the lost, and pray for the ones that survived.
This week, due to the accident, I have decided to try to contribute something to the memory of the deceased. I’ve weighed my options, and I have decided to paint a portrait of my friend Sasha, one of the 2 who didn’t make it. I want the painting to symbolize her life and her passion for it.
Everyone mourns differently; some keep to themselves, while others let it all out. I, on the other hand, I’m someone who keeps busy, keeps moving forward. This is partly because if I stop I start to think, and my mind starts to wander around memories and secrets I have never got the chance to tell and then it becomes painful. A wise man once said, “When a friend dies, a piece of you dies with them”. I guess I never really connected to this quote until now. Something is missing and I don’t know how to fill the void, so I guess for now I’ll just plug it with art, and hopefully it heals in time.
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